Getting a massage from a professional therapist isn’t always an option when you need quick relief from tension and pain. Fortunately, there are lots of tools on the market to help you enjoy a soothing self-massage.

Massage roller balls are popular devices that can be used all over the body. They are portable, easy to use, and require virtually no maintenance. Here are three models to consider:

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Massage roller ball with handle

Massage Roller Balls

The ZONG Manual Massage Ball is a compact, ergonomically designed massager that helps you retain a good grip. Its chunky black base makes it simple to align the ball with any muscle you want to target.

With its 360-degree spin, you can deliver a thorough, precise massage. At just 2.36 inches in height and 2.68 inches in width, you can take it anywhere.

The ball is made from polypropylene and resin, making it hypoallergenic and therefore safe for all skin types.

Massage roller ball with spikes

Vibrating massage roller ball

The Top 3 Massage Balls Set from Defining Strength includes a spiky massage ball for deep-tissue stimulation. Spiky balls may look uncomfortable, but they are excellent at breaking down muscle knots. Their design makes it easy to apply heavy pressure to deeper layers of muscle.

This set also includes a smooth massage roller ball, plus a double lacrosse ball for long-stroke massages. It is the ideal kit if you are new to self-massage, as it allows you to test different types of equipment.

Vibrating massage roller ball

Massage roller ball with spikes

If you find vibrations therapeutic, try the Sedona 4-Speed Vibrating Massage Ball. Its peanut-shaped design allows you to hone in on trigger points with ease. The ball has four levels of speed for a customized massage experience, and comes in two color options.

It comes with a rechargeable battery, so you can take it anywhere. To clean, simply wipe the ball down with a damp cloth. It’s great for relaxing your muscles after a hard workout, or massaging your back at the office.

How to use a massage roller ball on your back

Lie with your back on the floor. Position the roller ball beneath your body. You can then use your bodyweight to roll back and forth over the ball to target sore muscles. Alternatively, position the roller ball between your back and a wall. Move slowly up and down to enjoy a deep tissue massage.

If you need to target your upper back, move your arms in different directions while using the ball. This will help you access the muscles from all angles.

How to use a massage roller ball on your feet

Sit in a chair and place the roller on the floor in front of you. Place your foot on top of the ball, and rock back and forth to relieve muscle tension. As you do so, extend your toes. Massage each part of your foot for a couple of minutes.

You can then use a ball on the top of your feet and lower legs. Use long strokes, moving the ball upwards towards your heart. Massaging your trigger points may be uncomfortable, but it should not hurt. Always stop and seek help from a qualified massage therapist if you are in pain.


Carmen is an entrepreneur and content marketer. In a former life, as a corporate business executive, she relied on yoga, reflexology and other alternative practices to fight stress, anxiety and find balance. She’s on a mission to build healthy habits for a balanced, healthy life, connecting body, mind and spirit.